Training Resources

Use the factsheets and videos below to learn the different areas of the platform at your own pace. You can also click here to register to take part in any of our live training webinars. If you are not a MediaSource client and want to know more, please contact us to arrange a free demonstration.

Media Database

Log-in & Home Page

Log-in to access our extensive database of media, journalists, influencers and forward features.



Search for specified contacts and outlets by their name or email address to access their full details.


Contact & Outlet Records

Work with contact and outlet records, add or remove them from lists, create notes, share contacts, and customise.

Factsheet - Contacts Factsheet - Outlets

Contact & Outlet Search

Search for contacts and outlets using a range of different metrics and find the right results every time.

Factsheet Video

Working with Search Results

Save your search results as a list, save your search criteria for future use, and customise which columns display.


List Management

Access your saved lists, add new contacts and outlets to lists, delete items from lists, and delete old lists.


Creating Address Labels

Customise and generate address labels for the contacts in your search results or saved lists:


Exporting to Excel

Export lists of contacts, outlets or forward features from the platform to an Excel spreadsheet.


Adding Private Data

Customise the database by adding your own private outlets and contacts, and add yourself to include in lists:


Forward Features

Search forward feature calendars by topic and date to identify editorial opportunities and plan ahead.


News Distribution

Sending Distributions

Distribute your news, press releases,
images and videos to your saved media
lists of contacts and outlets.

Factsheet Video

Manage Asset Library

Upload images and documents to your
Asset Library to include with future


Distribution Statistics

Access distribution statistics to see who
opened your release, and who clicked to
download images and files.
